If I had a Magic Wand…

[the Fairy Godmother appears as Cinderella sobs]
Cinderella: Oh, no. No, it isn’t true. It’s just no use. No use at all. I can’t believe. Not anymore. There’s nothing left to believe in. Nothing.
Fairy Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don’t really mean that.
Cinderella: Oh, but I do…
Fairy Godmother: Nonsense, child. If you’d lost all your faith, I couldn’t be here. And here I am.


For Christmas many years ago my sister bought me a magic wand. A magic wand is very important in my work. I use it all the time.

Client: “I should be happy but…”
Me: “What would you wish for if you had a magic wand?”

Client: “I know its silly but I…”
Me: “What would you have it look like if you had a magic wand?”

Client: “So many people are worse off, I should just be grateful for what I have …”
Me: “But if you had a magic wand?”

I’ve come to believe that our biggest dream is what we are here to do. As Marianne Williamson says, we are not here to play small. Yet we seldom are willing to dream big enough. And so we pick away at our dreams. Chiseling them into smaller and smaller pieces to fit our view of ‘reality’ until they have little resemblance to what we really want.

The shame of it is that as I work with more and more people to design and live their dreams I’ve learned that those who dare to say their deep dreams out loud, those who take steps (even baby steps) towards their dream become more authentically themselves and experience richer more fulfilling lives.

Do we always move towards our dreams when we focus on them? Though sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, if we keep our focus we find we usually do. Melissa moves from job to job and though none are what she really wants to do, each gives her experiences and learning she needs to reach her dream. And I don’t believe Cinderella felt collecting mice from the barn was the most direct route to the ball!


So do you have a dream hidden in your drawer? In the deep recesses of your mind? In a corner of your heart? Dust it off, wash it up, and set it in the light. Let it be the beacon for your choices and decisions.

What is your big, juicy, magic wand dream? What is the dream that puts a smile on your face and makes your heart beat faster in anticipation? Write it down, keep adding to it, sprinkle it with delight. Get support, take baby steps or bold leaps. Wave your magic wand. Believe in the magic of your dreams.And you’ve taken the first step to making your dreams come true.


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