3 thoughts on “Where is your Joy?

  1. Seems such a “radical” thought that joy could be the reason for our living. In Catholic school I learned that self sacrifice was love and this was the purpose of living. I will continue to contemplate that newer outlook. When I take days to just experience joy I feel I am “wasting” my life. I am questioning that belief today as well. Thanks for a great topic. And I know I need to develop more places in life to experience joy. Smelling fall leaves on a walk is great joy.

  2. Yesterday I had a client cancel, which left me with an unexpected “day off.” Since I am on call 7 days a week, this was, in itself, a source of joy. I decided it was exactly the time I needed to dig out a big bush that was in the way of a planned garden expansion. With the help of two friends who subsequently inherited the bush, I got the job done. It was heavy and dirty. At times it was back-breaking. But I found myself grinning. By the end of the day I had also weeded the whole area, dead-headed anything in need, and generally cleaned the area–ready for something wonderful and new. I will be bringing in 500 pounds of sand to lighten the soil. Then I can add compost. The plants will mostly be divisions or cuttings–so more work. But every time I drive in my driveway, I smile. And neighbors walking by do too. When I glance out the window and see a little goldfinch swinging back and forth on a seedhead of echinacea, I smile. And when a toad takes up residence near the bird-bath, I smile. Isn’t it wonderful that we have so many opportunities to use our creativity to make joy, both for ourselves and others.

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