“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know
that even one life has breathed easier because you lived –
that is to have succeeded.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lately I’ve noticed more people coming to me saying that their job has gone stale. It isn’t necessarily that the job has changed, but that it didn’t seem to matter to anyone. It didn’t matter to their boss, the company, or even themselves.
As I read “Living a Life that Matters” by Harold Kushner, I thought about how important it is for us to know we matter.
Know this. You matter. Whether you land the sale, get the promotion, or get the laundry done. You matter.
You matter because you’re here, because you’re a part of the world. Its important to know you matter, because if you don’t know how much you matter you begin to believe that you don’t have a purpose, that your dreams are unimportant – and believing that you leave the world a little poorer, because you leave the unique gift you have to give to the world ungiven.
Each of us are unique and precious. You can make a difference in the world just by being your best self every day.
Look in the mirror. Tell yourself: “I matter.”
Tell someone they matter to you.
Look around.
Could an encouraging word from you make a difference?
Try it. Encourage an employee, a friend, a spouse, a stranger.
Let the bus driver or the person who waits on you at lunch know they matter.
They help your life run a little smoother, they make your job a little easier,
their being in your life makes your world a better place.
Let someone know they matter.
If you’re reading this blog you matter to me. You’re part of my world. You allow me to share my thoughts, you share my dreams. You matter.
If someone you know matters to you let them know – if you can’t think of what to say forward them this blog.
It matters.